Keith Poston

Keith Poston is President of WakeEd Partnership, a PEARL partner.  Growing up and in his career, Keith has been inspired by countless teachers:

“Teachers inspire me. I’ve been fortunate to have so many wonderful teachers in my own education journey, but also my mother, my sister, my father-in-law, the teachers my daughter has had in her educational experiences and the literally hundreds of educators I’ve had the opportunity to get to know through my work. I keep them top of mind every day and how I can best support and advocate for them.”     

WakeEd is a nonprofit focused on public schools in Wake County that has been proud to partner with PEARL over the past year in their work to make sure every student has the kind of support and encouragement needed to succeed. Particularly during this difficult time of COVID-19, this kind of support for students who were at greater risk of falling behind has been critical.

Learn More About Our Program

PEARL will provide support to 9th - 12th grade students in our community at the Boys and Girls Club Teen Center in Raleigh located at : 721 N Raleigh Blvd.
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    The pilot program this fall will support the roughly 30 financially underprivileged students in our community with the hopes of expanding in the spring semester.
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    Pods of 3-4 students will work with their college/grad students for 4 hours per week and be assigned a layered team; one grad/college student will work with the students, and a retired teacher will mentor each college/grad students instructor.
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    We hope to support the program with a $1500 stipend for each grad/college student and $250 stipends for each participating family and retired teacher acting as mentor to the instructor.
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    College instructors will help classroom teachers by flagging learning issues or problem areas and ensure that students are submitting necessary assignments through the virtual platform.
Keith Poston img

Keith Poston is President of WakeEd Partnership, a PEARL partner.  Growing up and in his career, Keith has been inspired by countless teachers:

“Teachers inspire me. I’ve been fortunate to have so many wonderful teachers in my own education journey, but also my mother, my sister, my father-in-law, the teachers my daughter has had in her educational experiences and the literally hundreds of educators I’ve had the opportunity to get to know through my work. I keep them top of mind every day and how I can best support and advocate for them.”     

WakeEd is a nonprofit focused on public schools in Wake County that has been proud to partner with PEARL over the past year in their work to make sure every student has the kind of support and encouragement needed to succeed. Particularly during this difficult time of COVID-19, this kind of support for students who were at greater risk of falling behind has been critical.

721 N Raleigh Blvd,
USA NC 27610